What is the Collective?

The Healing Collective of Western Colorado provides education on alternative healing and wellness options to the local community through expos, classes, demonstrations, and speaking events. We also provide continued education on alternative healing modalities and business ownership to local healers and wellness providers. We all believe deeply in the collective healing of our community and know that for true healing to happen we must do it together. We know that healing is never a one-size fits all endeavor. Every individual will need to pick their own healing journey pieced together with a wide array of support. We are here to introduce them to as many healing options as possible so that they can build the path that’s right for them.

What we do for healers

  • Provide professional growth opportunities and deepen their understanding of healing modalities
  • Create a safe place for practitioners to come for support and collaboration
  • Connect practitioners to one another and to their community
  • Increase the awareness and visibility of our alternative practitioners
  • Work in parallel with traditional medicine

What we do for the community

  • Teach people how to trust their own bodies
  • Educate and grow awareness about wellness options
  • Connect those in need of healing with the right practitioners
  • Create a mindset and intention that prioritizes whole being health
  • Help people own their own healing

How we do it

Bimonthly Collective Meetings

Quarterly Businness Education Sessions

Quarterly Panel Discussions

Networking and Referral Opportunities

Bimonthly Collective Meetings Open to Everyone

A meeting of healers where we learn about other healers, share upcoming events, ask for our needs, and help each other grow in life and business.

1st Tuesday of the month 12-1pm

Held at New Leaf Studio, 220 N Stough Ave, Montrose, CO

Quarterly Holistic Panel Discussions

A two hour free event for the community to attend during which our active members participate in a panel discussion on one health topic. Each practitioner will explain their perspective on the health issue and the approach they take to address it. There will be time for audience questions followed by a meet and greet.

You Can Help Us Grow

Join the Healing Collective

Help healing grow in our area and support other healers

Join the facebook group

This is where healers post upcoming events and services

Donate to the Non Profit

With your help we can continue to grow and offer more